

Cross-tabulations are a type of descriptive statistic and can be used to summarise the frequency distribution of two categorical variables in the adult social care survey (ASCS) or carers survey (PSS SACE) dataset (e.g. gender and control). Cross-tabulations are useful for exploring data and analysis tools for each of the surveys are provided in the MAX toolkit.

Exploring the relationships between variables: conducting cross-tabulations and chi-square analysis [summary] [presentation]



The following pre-recorded presentation provides an overview of the cross-tabulation and chi-square tools provided in the MAX toolkit. Step-by-step instructions on how to conduct a cross-tabulation are also provided along with some ‘dummy’ practice data. Please note: the presentation and instructions are based on the ASCS version of the tool but are also relevant to the PSS SACE version.

Cross-tabulation and chi square analysis tool [video]
Cross-tabulations [step by step instructions] [dummy data]



Excel-based analysis tools for conducting cross-tabulations with Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS) and Carers Survey (PSS SACE) data are provided in the MAX toolkit. Please note: the full functionality of the MAX spreadsheet tools requires that you have Microsoft Excel 2010 or later, and that you have also installed the Analysis ToolPak and Real Statistics Resource Pack add-in programmes. Instructions on how to install these add-ins can be accessed here.

Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS) [2016/17] [2015/6] [2014/15]
Carers’ Survey (PSS SACE) [2016/17] [2014/15]

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